Essential Tip of the Month: Bergamot Essential Oil

Essential Tip of the Month: Bergamot Essential Oil
Essential Tip of the Month: Bergamot Essential Oil
While you may think you’ve never heard of this tropical citrus fruit (at least here in North America), you may be surprised to know that you have likely already crossed paths with the powerfully sweet aroma of Bergamot Oil at least once. Learn about its common uses, and how it may improve many health struggles, from mental health, to skin care and everything in between.

Bergamot oil.

While you may think you’ve never heard of this tropical citrus fruit (at least here in North America), you may be surprised to know that you have likely already crossed paths with its powerfully sweet aroma at least once.

For instance, did you know it is one of the most common components of perfumes? Or, that it is the addition of bergamot oil that takes any regular black tea and turns it into the ever-popular Earl Grey tea!

Beyond these manufacturer uses, bergamot oil has many health benefits, ranging from mental health to skin care, and everything in between. Let’s dive into some of these benefits, shall we.


Depression and Anxiety

Have you ever felt your heart skyrocket during period of anxiety? Or perhaps you may have even noticed increases in your blood pressure? If so, bergamot oil may provide just the relief you are looking for. Studies have suggested that a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as improvements in feelings of calmness and relaxation can occur when bergamot oil is applied to the skin.

Bergamot oil can also increase the activity of your “happy hormones” (ie. dopamine and serotonin), something that could be very beneficial for those experiencing periods of sadness and depression.  With that in mind, it is not surprising that studies have also shown that an increase in positive feelings and willingness to participate can occur following brief inhalation of bergamot oil.


When our bodies digest the food we eat, it relies on things called digestive enzymes and acids, and this fluid we call bile. Think of these as our “digestive workers”. Once digested, it is imperative that the “food” travels through our intestines towards our bowels. When any of these processes are hindered, our gut health struggles. As we have previously discussed, having a healthy gut is the key to a healthy mind.

Luckily, bergamot essential oil not only activates and increases the release of our digestive “workers”, but also helps regulate the motion of our intestines and therefore facilitating the digestive process.

It is important to note that bergamot oil has also been suggested to influence blood sugar levels. If you have any concerns regarding your blood sugar levels (ie. diabetes), please ask your doctor first before implementing bergamot into your routine.

Colds and Fevers

Bergamot oil does wonders for internal and/or external infections. Beyond killing germs and viruses, this oil helps reduce inflammation, and contains antibiotic properties. Together, these properties make bergamot oil a potentially powerful substance for treating and healing infections. These infections could include colds, viruses, worms, or even cuts and scrapes.

Acne Scars

Beyond keeping our skin youthful and evening out our skin tone, this essential oil also fights to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Natural Deodorant

Bergamot essential oil has been used for decades as a natural deodorant. This is not only because of its strong citrus-y smell, but because of its antibacterial and disinfectant power. These characteristics make it an excellent, natural and clean replacement to store bought deodorants.

How to Use

Essential oils can be used topically (on the skin), orally (added to water or through capsules) or inhaled (through diffusers). It is imperative that you read the disclaimer below regarding proper usage.

Looking for Ways to Blend Bergamot Oil?

Consider Rosemary, Lavender, Mandarin, Sandalwood, Frankincense, or any citrus oils that you enjoy. Or for a pre-made blend, try “Cheer Up Buttercup”!


WARNING: Components of essential oils can be dangerously altered through sunlight exposure. ALWAYS store oils in dark bottles and keep them in a cabinet away from direct sunlight.

Topical Applications: When used topically, always use a carrier oil such as coconut, olive or avocado oil. Some oils such as Bergamot result in increased skin sensitivity to sunlight.

Ingestion: When ingesting, consult the label and/or a health professional prior to use regarding appropriate dosage. Essential oils contain very high concentrations of its ingredients and could be dangerous in high dosages. It is important to follow the proper guidelines whenever ingesting.


Should you have any questions about implementing essential oils into your daily routine, please consult a doctor first.

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