If You Are Anxious It Means Something...

If You Are Anxious It Means Something...
If You Are Anxious It Means Something...
If You Are Anxious, It Means Something… It does not mean something is wrong... It means something matters; something is important to you. Whatever upcoming event you are worried about… you want it to go well. But you are in fear mode = feeling and imagining something not going so well.

Written by Barbara Bates

It does not mean something is wrong...

It means something matters; something is important to you. Whatever upcoming event you are worried about… you want it to go well. But you are in fear mode = feeling and imagining something not going so well.

F*E*A*R can be broken down into False Evidence Appearing Real.


Reframe: Those anxious thoughts are actually trying to keep you safe.


Suggestion for when you are anxious in the moment:


  1. Breathe – several slow, deep breaths can send a calming signal to the entire body and the nervous system.
  2. If you are in a safe place (i.e. not driving) close your eyes. This tunes out the outside world and turns you more into your inside/intuition.
  3. Touch your heart center – right in the middle of your chest bone. You could use “prayer hands/mudra” or just gently place/tap 2 fingers from either hand on your heart area. Wherever we touch our body, our awareness will go there. Touching your heart center gets us out of our “monkey mind” and allows us to focus more on our intuition.
  4. If you are standing, trace an outline, on the floor, around your feet. Literally, take a finger and draw an imaginary line around your shoes/bare feet. Feel your feet connected to the floor. This will help “ground” you.
  5. Ask yourself this question: “In this present moment, am I safe?”
  6. When “yes” is the real answer, continue to breathe deeply and try to relax your mind and body. Keep your eyes closed. Continue to repeat: “I am safe in this moment.” “Right now I am safe.” “I am safe, right here and now.”
  7. Re-assess how you are really feeling about the event and see if things have shifted some for you. 

To read Barbara's other great article on anxiety click this link: https://www.camskids.com/supportresources/what-if-we-could-embrace-the-messenger/ 

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