Coldest Night of the Year
Coldest Night of the Year
On Saturday February 24th Cam’s Kids Ambassador’s participated in the “Coldest Night of the Year” walk in Uxbridge, Ontario.

On Saturday February 24th Cam’s Kids Ambassador’s participated in the “Coldest Night of the Year” walk in Uxbridge, Ontario. The Coldest Night of the Year is a super-fun, family-friendly fundraiser for hungry, homeless, and hurting individuals and families across Canada. This walk raises awareness about what it’s like to walk in the shoes of the homeless or those at risk of becoming homeless.

The event was put on by North House, a charity that provides a helping hand up, not a handout, to enable people to get back on their feet through several different programs. Cam’s Kids Ambassador’s were happy to participate and volunteer for such a helpful, important cause. All Ambassadors had a ton of fun and volunteered with a smile on their face! 

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