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Past Featured Ambassadors

Leily Mehrgan
“If you see someone who is agitated, anxious or not talking, think of them as another human being. As much as you need support and need someone to talk to, they may also need that.”
Mahika Saluja
Mahika Saluja
“For me, the first step is letting students know they're in a safe space. I’m here to listen. And then follow that up by letting them know about resources available to them, like the 24/7 text line. Admitting you’re struggling takes a lot of courage but it also showcases your strength.”
Alexis Thomas
Alexis Thomas
“I struggle with mental health, and I do have anxiety and depression. I have my ways of talking to people about it, and I have my support system, but many people don’t. They don’t understand what anxiety is…what signs to look for. Making that awareness available to others, for them to be able to go at their own rate getting help and talking to someone about it, is good.”
Ethan West
Hasti Amirsalari
“One of the biggest issues I've ever seen in my experience working in different mental health areas is loneliness. And so, yes, I think these kind of hubs and sorts of communities (like Cam’s Kids) are so important for making sure people feel less alone and, by extension, feel better about their life which, of course, is good for their mental health.”
Ethan West
Ethan West
"Talking about mental health and talking with people was a big thing for me…a big adjustment. I’ve since learned that a big part of it is having conversations with people but, sometimes, those can be quite serious conversations depending on what people want to share or talk about. I now realize how valuable a resource it is for my fellow students; how valuable it is to have support in place for those experiencing anxiety or any type of mental health crisis."
Abby Kitcher
Abby Kitcher
Abby says the real value of Cam’s Kids lies in students being able to confide in other students “who hear them and support them. It’s so hard to get over that hump of trying to access a resource and having to go to an adult. Cam’s Kids (team members) are students of their own age; people who have gone through what they’re going through.”
Elysa Mancini
Elysa Mancini
Mancini said, “I felt a lot of clarity because I was concerned with what was wrong with me and I had no idea what was going on… and when I found the actual term for it. It was like nothing is wrong, it’s just a little bump.”
Alyson Yoshida Ambassador
Alyson Yoshida
“There are so many kids who need attention right now when it comes to mental health,” says Alyson, who, as the Cam’s Kids Team Lead at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, is on a mission to reverse the debilitating effects of the isolating COVID years.
Cam's Kids Ambassador Ilona Manda from the University of Waterloo Chapter
Ilona Manda
As one of six siblings born to Romanian immigrants, Ilona Manda didn’t hear much talk about anxiety and mental health in her Kitchener family home. In fact, the subject wasn’t broached at all – a byproduct of a European culture where “mental health isn’t really a thing.” For Ilona, who struggled with anxiety, out-of-sight-out-of-mind was difficult, but she carried on, resigned to the fact that she had to “deal with it” on her own. She wasn’t, and isn’t, resentful. That was just the way it was.
Julianna Vieveen Nipissing University
Julianna Vieveen
What Julianna takes the most pride in, and rightly so, is her team “being able to come together and promote the positive aspects of mental health, and bring awareness to the symptoms of anxiety.” She certainly relates to the stress her fellow students experience, particularly those of the first-year variety.
Amelia Wilson McMaster University
Amelia Wilson
A third-year Health Sciences student at McMaster University, the Uxbridge native’s involvement with Cam’s Kids at the Hamilton campus was nothing short of predestined, her having been raised in the same community as the Hicks family and, as such, exposed to the foundation’s work well before she graduated from high school.
Sophia Garofalo
Sophia Garofalo
Impressively, Sophia, with co-Team Lead Gillian Beck, has already brought 12 Ambassadors into fold. “I remember talking to one of my high school teachers I was still close to and saying ‘I feel like this (Cam’s Kids) is a great thing for me because I can start it in first year,” recalls Sophia. “I could get it off the ground and then I have another three years where I can build it up and I can pass it on and can start a legacy like it (Cam’s Kids) has at so many other schools. There wasn’t any pressure on me to get everything organized in one year.”
Oviya Muruganantha and Saniyah Farzeen
Oviya Muruganantha and Saniyah Farzeen
“When you’re involved with Cam’s Kids, the happiness you get is so rewarding,” says Oviya. And for those students who may be looking to bring Cam’s Kids to their high school, Saniyah has but three words – “Go for it.”
Haley Hayhoe and Dale Vranckx
Haley Hayhoe and Dale Vranchkx
“[Cam’s Kids] has been the most amazing experience in terms of my personal growth as a leader…it has given me way more than I’ve given it,” says Haley. “The more we put into it, the more we get out of it,” adds Dale.
Sanjana Karani
Sanjana Karani
Sanjana Karani came to the Cam’s Kids family in the summer of 2020. “I’ve always been a person who has wanted to create change and help people,” says Sanjana.“I immediately wanted to be part of it [Cam’s Kids]. I was into it completely.”
Julia Beggs
Julia Beggs
Fortunate are those able to pursue their passion of helping others with a group of like-minded people. Her own experience dealing with anxiety never far from her mind, Cam’s Kids Ambassador Julia is part of a very active and committed Trent University team.
Cole Young
Cole Young
I let anyone seeking help know that I’m available to talk about stuff. That’s the best way to ensure you’re not pushing them too much. I empathize with what they’re going through. Normally I open up about my own experience so they know they’re not alone.
Emily Evans
Emily Evans
I strongly believe that getting help with your mental health is just as important as getting help with your physical health. I wish it [Cam’s Kids] had been around sooner but our goal for the next few years is to support as many students as we can.
Shay Surujnarain
Shay Surujnarain
I’m so happy and honoured to be part of a team that supports students in so many schools. No matter what gender, age or race you are, Cam’s Kids is there for you, providing free resources that are accessible to anyone and everyone.
Tanya Gupta
Tanya Gupta
“Number one, Uxbridge [the Hicks’ family home] is very close to my hometown, and, number two, reducing the stigma around mental health is something I’ve always stood for,” says Tanya of the determining factors in her choice to get involved with Cam's Kids.
Chey Scott
Chey Scott
Chey is “really proud” of her Cam’s Kids involvement, a feeling anchored in the founding and nurturing of a much-needed shoulder to lean on for post-secondary students across Canada.
Daelyn Carroll
Daelyn Carroll
“My mental health would have been in a worse place if I hadn’t joined Cam’s Kids when I did. Knowing there’s a supportive team that has my back on any given occasion is huge."
Nathalie Kashur
Nathalie Kashur
“I love that I can help in little ways, giving others tips and tricks on how they can get through this crazy year of school. I really do want to make a difference. Cam’s Kids has helped me realize how important that is to me."
Fatma Alobeid
Fatma Alobeid
“I had to push myself to make friends, to talk to people, which I wasn’t used to doing. In high school I knew everyone. I’m grateful I joined Cam’s Kids in my second year because it got me to open up and join other aspects of university life.”
Brett Harrison
Brett Harrison
"If I had never worked with Cam’s Kids, I might not be so open and aware with regards to mental health and anxiety. It has reduced the stigma in my eyes. Wherever I end up, I intend to bring Cam’s Kids with me and share the resources it provides."
Hannah Heldrich
Hannah Heldrich
“Cam’s Kids is a great community to be a part of. There’s a feeling of belonging. I hope other people learn about it. The experience has definitely changed my perspective and given me so much optimism about psychology and mental health.”
Grace Hammond
Grace Hammond
“When I came to Guelph I wasn’t sure I was going to join any clubs. I focus a lot on my schoolwork. I didn’t want to get off track but I thought ‘This is something I can do. I can still focus on myself while helping others too.’”
Joshua Kelly
Joshua Kelly
Alongside Sarah Mosher, Josh assumed a co-Team Lead role with Cam’s Kids. His motivation to grow the foundation’s presence at Trent anchored in his belief that people’s mental health deserves much more attention than it has been granted.
Christine Crowe
Christine Crowe
Christine's drive promises good things ahead for the Foundation’s already considerable footprint at Carleton. Her ambition lead her to secure one of three team lead positions at Carleton next year.
Josh Sahian
Josh Sahian
A first-year Sociology student at Guelph, the Toronto native stumbled upon Cam’s Kids the way many have and many will – at a university event where various clubs promote themselves and invite membership.
Leah McMunn
Leah McMunn
Now working towards her PhD in Chemistry, Leah sees Cam’s Kids’ role being to provide the same support she was looking for when she first arrived at the University of Ottawa.
Caitlin Morgan
Caitlin Morgan
“It’s the best thing I could have ever asked for. When [fellow Ambassador] Hailey [Stroud] said Cam’s Kids was coming here, I was like ‘Yup, I’m diving right in.’ I have ever since and I love it. It [Cam’s Kids] is more like family than a volunteer opportunity and that is why I jumped in with two feet. There was no hesitation. It was so natural and I knew so many people involved."
Adam Nash
Adam Nash
Majoring in criminology at Carleton University, Adam, acknowledging “my own history with mental illness and stuff,” says the “state” he was in before happening upon Cam’s Kids “wasn’t too great.” “Cam’s Kids was everything I was looking for at that moment,” says Adam.
Chad Robbins
Chad Robbins
“I would never have thought that something that started so small, something I could be a part of, would extend as far as it has,” says Chad, noting his Cam’s Kids work has been a point of pride for him since day one.
Olivia Anderson and Katie Young
Olivia Anderson and Katie Young
“I can always count on her [Olivia] and she can count on me. We’re a team and that lays down a good foundation for other students we work with.” Katie and Olivia are both natives of Uxbridge, Cam Hicks’ hometown and the vibrant beating heart of the Cam’s Kids movement which continues to help young people across Canada deal with anxiety issues.
Holly Todd
Holly Todd
I’ve struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, so I was immediately like ‘Oh.’ I wanted something where I could use my own experiences to reach out to others, so it just seemed liked a perfect fit. I went online and applied to become an Ambassador after I checked out the website. I became an Ambassador, started going to meetings and it went from there.
Hillary Benoit
Hillary Benoit
As a Cam’s Kids Ambassador, and vice-president of the Cam’s Kids club started at St. Francis Xavier in early 2017, Hillary has been, and is, that “someone” for students dealing with stress-related anxiety. Her efforts speak to the core message at the heart of Cams Kids.
Kaley Madigan
Kaley Madigan
As a Cam’s Kids Ambassador, Kaley has fully brought in her penchant for “organizing things” serving her well as she plans to stay involved with the foundation at both Algonquin and the University of Ottawa.
Miranda Sarosi
Miranda Sarosi
Like many Cam's Kids Ambassadors, Miranda Sarosi's connection to both the organization and its work comes from deep personal experience. As both a childhood friend of Cam Hicks and his family, and someone who is no stranger to anxiety, becoming an ambassador was an easy choice.
Laura Alcorn
Laura Alcorn
It was a close friendship and connection to the cause that made joining Cam's Kids an easy choice for Laura Alcorn. Now, nearly two years since joining the organization as one of its first Ambassadors, the University of Guelph student continues to make a difference both on campus and among her peers.
Taylor Anderson
Taylor Anderson
Taylor Anderson was no stranger to the Cam's Kids organization when she began her studies at Carleton University. In fact, the Health Sciences student had known Cam Hicks personally after going to school together in their mutual hometown of Uxbridge, Ontario.
Bronwyn Bridges
Bronwyn Bridges
It didn't take long for Bronwyn Bridges to click with Cam's Kids. From the moment she heard about the organization's chapter at St. Francis Xavier (StFX) University in Nova Scotia, the sophomore Biology and Psychology student knew she'd found something special.
Vanessa Morgan
Vanessa Morgan
After offering Vanessa Morgan the opportunity to serve as national co-ordinator of Cam’s Kids, Linda Hicks advised her “to sleep on it” and let her know the next day if she accepted.
Braeden Whitehead
Braeden Whitehead
Queen's University in Kingston is the centre of Braeden Whitehead’s universe but Uxbridge will always be home – as close to his heart as his friendship with Cam Hicks.
Haley Roter
Haley Roter
Haley Roter wants to end the stigma around mental illness. As a Cam's Kids Ambassador, she is working to spread the word that people struggling with anxiety should be encouraged and accepted.
Kyle Stinson
Kyle Stinson
Kyle Stinson is a familiar name in the Cam's Kids family. As a veteran Cam's Kids Ambassador, the Ottawa University senior has given freely of his time, talent, and enthusiasm to a number of the organization's initiatives, and continues to serve as a mentor to many in the Cam's Kids community.

Ambassador Tips for Managing School Stress

Between project deadlines and exam preparations, the end of a post-secondary school year can be overwhelming. Add in part-time jobs, family events or social obligations and it's easy to see why student stress levels go up over the holidays.

Fortunately, there are many ways to keep anxiety in check during this busy season. Here are some stress-busters our Cam's Kids Ambassadors find helpful while at school...

See all our Ambassador Tips!

Meet Our Ambassadors

heart = Featured Ambassador

= Testimonial 

Image Details

Alexia M.


Amanda G.


Andrew H.


Anne K.

Ambassador Grid Angela S.

Angela S.


Archana M.


Braden L.


Braeden W. heart


Brent R.

Brianna P

Brianna P.

Brodie S

Brodie S.


Bronwyn B. heart

Caitlin M.

Caitlin M. 


Caity J.


Cerys C.


Christina P.


Claire B.


Daniel S.


Daniele R.


Ellen D.


Emily S.

Emily Reed

Emily R.

Ambassador - Emma W

Emma W.


Erica M.


Erik M.

Hailey S

Hailey S.


Haley R. heart


Haley S.

Ambassador Heidi-a Abouakl

Heidi A. 


Hanna J.

Ambassador - Jacob P

Jacob P.


Jake W.

Jamie X

Jamie X.

Jenna F

Jenna F.


Joanna Z.


Julia S.

Julien K.

Julien K. 


Karley F.

Katie F

Katie F.


Katie Y.

Katryna H.

Katryna H. 


Kelly C.


Kristen S.


Kyle S. heart


Kyle T.


Laura A.

Leah McMunn

Leah M.


Leslie C.


Lexi K.

Megan C.

Megan C. 

Megan L

Megan L.


Michael A.


Miranda S.


Mitch A.

Mitchell Hicks

Mitchell H.


Morgan M.

Natalia M

Natalia M. 


Natalie M.

Nicole B

Nicole B.

Ambassador Grid- Olivia A.

Olivia A.

Paige F

Paige F. 


Paige S.


Roger L.


Paul H.


Sam A.

Sam D

Sam D.


Shania S.

Ambassador- Shanley McCran

Shanley M.

Ambassador - Shanon H

Shannon H.


Shayna J.


Sophie G.


Steph P.


Tavis S.

taylor anderson

Taylor A. heart


Taylor W.


Ty P.


Vanessa Mheart

Vicky L.

Vicky I. 

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